Britain is awash with Holiday parks, leisure parks, lodges and glamping/camping sites.

During a recent holiday, we noticed that the provision of WiFi whilst away was poor and frustrating, especially with children.

Guerilla set about looking at why general park provision was poor and after some research, realised that the issues were easy to understand.

  • The equipment was expensive and required upfront capital.
  • Many locations are rural and at the end of a long line.
  • Site owners did not know how to resolve their issues.
  • Demand was not going away, it was growing, and often the goodwill rested on the attitude of the children.

A unique offering

Guerilla has devised a fantastic technical solution, using a variety of internet options to ensure you get the throughput you need.

The equipment costs will require no capital outlay to achieve your build.

We create a Joint Venture with you to share the revenues, whilst protecting you from handling Customer issues. It will be Guerilla WiFi and our service and support Teams will manage any issues.

We design a service based on your site area, ensuring full coverage for the whole park.

Our survey allows us to build the topology and look at the equipment needed to meet the performance needs.

We supply a professional, clearly laid out proposal to inform you of everything you need to know, including our unique commercial funding model.

Our equipment is attached to payment servers that allow users to “buy online time” during their stay. Multi or single device options are offered

Using stripe as our payment handler, we provide monthly reports to show how much paid use has happened and what you need to invoice us for.

Come and talk to us about your site now, without obligation.